Thursday, 13 June 2013

Being a Girl

Hey angel faces, hope all is well. ^_^
Most of the time I prefer dressing up "boyish" as I have always been a tomboy. But this particular crop top makes me feel super feminine and womanly. :'D 

Quick story: I weighed over 10 lbs when I was born. When my dad saw me for the first time and held me, he screamed out, "It's a boy!" My mum and the nurse tried their best to convince him I was a girl but he wasn't having it. (-_-')

So since November the 6th 1991, my dad dressed me up in boy's clothes. I had a tomboy hair cut. I was nicknamed after male names. Everyone around me thought I was a boy. In all my childhood pictures, I look like a boy! *sigh* My dad amazingly still calls me "chora" which means "son" in Nepalese. I'm not gonna lie, I have always felt most comfortable in male clothes. ^_^

Thanks a bunch for passing by! x

Crop Top: Asos
Size: S
Original Price: £22
Sale Price: £15

Quote of the day: "If someone were to harm my family or a friend or somebody I love, I would eat them. I might end up in jail for 500 years, but I would eat them." - Johnny Depp


  1. your body totally nailed that outfit.
    looks so perfectly fine :)

    1. You're just sweet. ^^
      Thanks so much! x

  2. You dont seems shy anymore..
    feeling blue.. :S
