Saturday, 16 November 2013


Christmas is going to be here soon. I must say I feel a bit uneasy announcing this as I am no Christian. But anything that brings people together, the whole street being lit up, delicious food and happy holidays perfectly float my boat. 

Here is a DIY gift idea for any occasion really. It is pretty straight forward to be honest. Things you need: a box (that you could doodle on), gather things the person you are gifting to might like, gouache or acrylic paint, a paint brush, water and fade proof 0.8 fine liner.

As I was gifting this to a friend of mine as her birthday gift, I illustrated things she personally like. It doesn't necessarily have to be what they like. You are an artist. Feel free to bring your own style and energy into your illustration. 

Goodluck! x

Once again, thank you for stopping by. x

Quote of the day: "Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it." - Buddha

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Oh My Dearest November

Hello my lovelies, not too long along I celebrated my birthday with a book in my hand and a warm peppermint green tea in the other. I must admit it was the most pleasantly satisfying birthday I've ever had. During the day, I grabbed a lunch with the bestie, swapped our birthday gifts and went for a walk together. As years pass by, I am very much enjoying getting older day by day. Most women tend to get happy when they are told they look younger for their age, I on the other hand prefer people saying I look older/mature for my age. Perhaps somewhere around 30. I can't wait to turn 30! 

November has been such a beautiful month for me. The day after my birthday, November the 7th, 2013, 10:37am, a beautiful baby boy gave me the privilege of being an aunt. We rush to the hospital. I see him. I hold him. Balls of tears fill my eyes. It's amazing how much of an impact a baby or a child can make. I look at him and I just simply love him with all my heart and cannot wait to teach him, advice him, be strict with him when its needed and most importantly, have joyous moments with him. 

I want to end this post with a heartfelt gratitude to all the people I've spent my time with this month. Two people in particular. I have definitely learnt a lot from them. They helped me believe again that yes there are good people in this world. So thank you, and thank you again. 

Oh and we also paid a visit to the Shard. I will leave you with few stunning views.

Much love x

Thanks for stopping by x

Question of the day: "Have you ever put someone else first before yourself?"

Thursday, 17 October 2013

October Favourites

Give this baby a sniff will you? 
An early birthday gift to myself. Bridget Jones's Diary is one of my favourite movies and I finally got my hands on them! They really need to come up with a third one. Amelie is simply beautiful! I cannot urge you guys enough to go watch this movie. It's an order! 

Some other movies I've enjoyed watching this month are 'Eat Pray Love', 'Yes Man', 'In her shoes', 'Caroline', 'The Campaign', 'Notting Hill', 'Le Weekend'. Le Weekend is a must watch. Beautiful ending. 
How adorable is this? I just look at them and they make me happy. :')
An old friend recommended this to me years ago. This week I had the whole packet to myself! *shakes head in disappointment*
Anything organic, peppermint, cranberry, green tea, I will dive right in. 

Last few weeks has been pretty hectic. Final year of University, work life, crazy calories intake, nonstop procrastination, struggling to sharpen a pencil, failing to ace gymnastic moves etc etc. Having said all that, I managed to come out the tunnel and I feel good! 
Quote of the day: "It's not how bad the problem is, it's how you get through it that counts." - VV

Thanks for passing by you x

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Back to the 70's

Outfit: Oxfam
Quote of the day: "I need to get a hold of Bridget Jones's Diary DVD box set!" - Surichha

P.S. I feel as if I could fit right in to a busy Tokyo town in this particular outfit. 

Thanks for passing by. I could give you a x

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

No-Yeast Gluten Free Whole Wheat Vegetarian Pizza

I made pizza from scratch! Today, on my way home from university, I got chatted up by a lesbian (the second time now). Perhaps it's a sign for me to finally consider dating women? One of the main subjects we talked about was Italian food (pizza). I started craving for a slice of pizza so much, so then I made one! In all honesty, the dough is slightly undercooked but besides that, it's not all bad. Dinner. Sorted!

Quote of the day: "There is no love sincerer than the love of food." - George Bernard Shaw

Monday, 30 September 2013

Recovering Patient

White Shirt: Oxfam

Every time I walk into a charity shop, I feel like everything has its own story to share. For example, this shirt is a man's shirt. It's in the size large. The owner was in his mid 50s. He was overweight. One day he finally decided to live a healthy lifestyle and gradually lost his weight. He then donated this shirt to a charity near a town called Edgware. The moral of the story is that it's never too late to get back in shape. 

I know by now I've convinced you to believe this made up story of mine. You can call me false. But I just have the tendency of imagining beautiful change resulting to pure happiness. 

Quote of the day: "A person who is nice to you but is not nice to the waiter is not a nice person." - Unknown

Thanks for passing by.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Black Out

Polo Neck Top: Mango

Lately, I've grown out of watching television. Instead, I read, I write, I dance. Speaking of dancing, in two years time, I wish to be an average (at least) salsa dancer! Now this is going to sound contradictory but the only time I ever turn on a television is when 'Far Flung Floyd' is on 'Food Network'. This is the only thing I thoroughly enjoy watching on television. In fact, as I am typing this away I am watching 'Floyd On Italy' complimented with my warm Green Peppermint Tea. Not only you get to learn about their food but also their culture. Hopefully, in the near future I will be publishing my posts from a sunny Italy along with the best slice of vegetarian pizza on my left hand and the best Italian ice-cream on the other. 

Thank you ‘Keith Floyd’ for doing what you did. x

Quote of the day: "I hope she'll be a fool - that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool." - The Great Gatsby