Monday, 30 September 2013

Recovering Patient

White Shirt: Oxfam

Every time I walk into a charity shop, I feel like everything has its own story to share. For example, this shirt is a man's shirt. It's in the size large. The owner was in his mid 50s. He was overweight. One day he finally decided to live a healthy lifestyle and gradually lost his weight. He then donated this shirt to a charity near a town called Edgware. The moral of the story is that it's never too late to get back in shape. 

I know by now I've convinced you to believe this made up story of mine. You can call me false. But I just have the tendency of imagining beautiful change resulting to pure happiness. 

Quote of the day: "A person who is nice to you but is not nice to the waiter is not a nice person." - Unknown

Thanks for passing by.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Black Out

Polo Neck Top: Mango

Lately, I've grown out of watching television. Instead, I read, I write, I dance. Speaking of dancing, in two years time, I wish to be an average (at least) salsa dancer! Now this is going to sound contradictory but the only time I ever turn on a television is when 'Far Flung Floyd' is on 'Food Network'. This is the only thing I thoroughly enjoy watching on television. In fact, as I am typing this away I am watching 'Floyd On Italy' complimented with my warm Green Peppermint Tea. Not only you get to learn about their food but also their culture. Hopefully, in the near future I will be publishing my posts from a sunny Italy along with the best slice of vegetarian pizza on my left hand and the best Italian ice-cream on the other. 

Thank you ‘Keith Floyd’ for doing what you did. x

Quote of the day: "I hope she'll be a fool - that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool." - The Great Gatsby

Friday, 27 September 2013

September Favourites

This book has made my life so much better. It has given me hope, strength and happiness. In summary, this book is about how 'Albert Espinosa' survives cancer and shares his teachings of "The Yellow World". 

Warning before you read this book: "It will make you smile so much, sadness and pain will become non-existence. Oh and also, be prepared to get stares from people when you catch yourself smiling a lot."

Thank you 'Albert Espinosa'. x

'Green is the New Black' 
This book I'm currently reading, I'm not even half way there but I know it is worth mentioning in my September Favourites. I'm going to leave you with this - "It will change the way you see clothes forever."

This has been such a darling to me! Great for occasional running.
Thanks to my sister. x

Some has asked me, "Why do you have porn on your phone?", others, "You must be homosexual." All I can say is "Yes, I enjoy studying women's bodies. It's almost therapeutic." x

Quote of the day: "I believe in reincarnation. However, if this is the only life I will ever get to live, I want to continue living each day by helping, giving, forgiving, loving, learning, listening, sharing, praying, enjoying, and finally being thankful to God for all the good and the bad." - Surichha Gurung

Thank you for passing by.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Nude Delight

"See You Soon Summer"

This picture gives me jokes... >_<
Dress - Topshop 
Belt - Asos 

Quote of the day: "There is a blessing hidden in every trial in life, but you have to be willing to open your heart to see them." - Unknown

P.S. "A very happy happy birthday to my dear Angela! She turns 1. Yes 1! Cuteness! ^_^ I look forward to lots of food and lots of cake. *NOM* :D God bless you lil one." x

Thanks for stopping by. x